Marketplace Seller Onboarding Policy and Procedures

1. Introduction

This policy outlines the procedures for onboarding sellers to our multi-vendor marketplace, which operates on the WooCommerce platform integrated with our ERP system, Unifya. These procedures ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and protect the integrity of our payment processors’ brands by mitigating risks associated with fraud and illegal activities.

2. Objectives

3. Seller Onboarding Procedures

3.1. Application Submission

3.2. Documentation Requirements

3.3. Identity and Business Verification

3.4. Risk Assessment

3.5. Approval and Onboarding

4. Ongoing Compliance and Monitoring

4.1. Transaction Monitoring

4.2. Periodic Reviews

4.3. Training and Support

4.4. Penalties for Non-Compliance

5. Data Protection and Privacy

6. Review and Updates

7. Conclusion

By following these onboarding procedures, we aim to create a trustworthy and compliant multi-vendor marketplace that upholds the highest standards of integrity, thereby protecting our payment processors’ brand and ensuring a safe environment for all users.

For any queries or further information regarding this policy, please contact our compliance team at